Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Our Summer Plans

Our school year is over, and it's time for a break! We are more than likely going to be starting back in July, so I wanted to make the most of the time the kids have off. There are going to be library visits every week (they enjoy it, I swear! ), slip n' slide action in the yard, disc golf with Dad, aaannnnd.......Weird Side Trips! What better way for our weird little family to celebrate summer, than with The Summer of Weird! I love this book, and have the Weird U.S. one as well. We've actually been to a couple of the places in here already, but there are so many more that I'm dying to see! I mean, WE are dying to see,that's right, all of us.....
So, over the summer, the blog will consist of pics and stories (hopefully!) of all the weird and wonderful places we've discovered in our home state. If the kids look a little less than happy in the pictures, don't worry about it, they are probably just overwhelmed by the awesomeness of the things we are finding. Stay tuned!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Ramble on...

Things have been pretty boring around here, actually. Not too many adventures in the Electric City, thanks to my lazy butt!!

The kids are finishing up their school work, thank goodness!! This last half of the year has been rough, and seems to have gotten worse now that we are at the end! Next year will be sooo much better. We have begun doing research on some curriculum, and I'm going to try and plan better before we start our school year this time. I bet that will help alot, don't you!? LOL!!

Allergy season has hit us full force! I am miserable. I keep forgetting to take my medicine bottle with me when we run errands so that I can get my perscription refilled. I'm paying for it, too. We have Park Day today, and I am not looking forward to the aftermath. I wonder if I have any Clariton left over? I'll have to rummage. The kids have been sneezing and snotting as well, so I know it's bad out. I seem to be the most sensitive in the house. Looks like we'll be picking them up some meds. soon, too. Of course, they are kids, and I'm a wuss, so they are dealing with it sooo much better than I am!

Mother's Day was busy. I spent most of the weekend with my parents in Ga. I haven't been down there to stay the weekend in forever! My loves took me out for my MD dinner Saturday night, since my favorite is Sushi. We took my Mom in law to lunch, and my Mom to dinner on Sunday. My glorious hubby got me, my mom in law, and my mom gift certificates to the spa!!! I am sooo ready to use that puppy! Massage and pedicure, please!!! I'd get a facial, but my face has become extremely sensitive over the years, and the last time I tried one, I broke out in a rash. It was not a pretty sight, believe me.

I have dyed my hair a couple of times in the past couple of weeks. The first was supposed to be Aqua, but since the blonde in my hair is more brassy than true, it turned slightly more green than blue. No worries, it actually looked pretty cool. Unfortunately, I have yet to find a dye that will stay in my hair more than a couple of days and keep it's color. So, I got some Manic Panic Pillbox Red to try out. It glows under a blacklight, don't ya know, but I haven't been able to try it out yet. I dyed it over the fading green, and it's awesome. Again, it's fading pretty quickly. There is another dye I've heard of that I might try out. I think I might need to leave it in longer, too. I want to go and get my hair bleached true blonde, so that the colors will come out the right shades. We'll see.

I've gotten two of the six embroidery projects for the kitchen done! It's going to be 3 girls and 3 boys. They are retro patterns, and I'm wild about retro! I do think that I'm going to have to redo the first of the girls. She was one of my first ever projects, and I'm not too happy with how she looks now compared to the others now. Oh well! I am really enjoying embroidery, and have a couple of other projects in the works. I bought some fabric this weekend to use as a background for one, and my Mom has asked me to do one for her house. And then there are some patterns that I'm dying to get from Sublime Stitching! I looooove Jenny Hart's stuff!!! I'm hoping this summer will be productive in the craft area, LOL!!